Monday, April 26, 2010

I'll Remember- 'The Gang'

What would school life be without friends, eh? I'd detailed one post about friends outside the 'gang' and so here's one for 'the gang'. It's been an amazing journey with these friends, one with lots of ups and downs and learnings as well..

1)The People: I've tried not to name people for some weird reason in all these school posts, and so, that trend shalt continue..

The Shadow: Likes all underground places. Loves the idea of living as a shadow, having your own space and being different from normal mortals. And if you ever want a human search function on YouTube, you know whom to go to..

The Dancer: Quite the Ms.flexibility with a passion for anything that gets life groovin'.. Oh, and this one is a not-so-apparent geek..

The Delicate one: Quite the sportsman. Averages atleast one fracture/ligament tear every 6 months. Oh, and this one can paint as well..

The Singer: Successfully dragged 8 other Indian classical music lovers (not!) to 8 paid classical music concerts.. What more can I say?

The Talkative one: Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Fills the airwaves, always.. 'Nuff said..

The Bubbly one: Always full of energy, full of life.. And hence, always brought down by some constant rubbing the wrong way to normal human energy levels..

The Funny one: 3 things - Very tall, very thin, very funny. There's gotta be one of these in every group..

The Mom-ish one: Has an interesting ability to bring up interesting biological facts and statistics - some say with a rather weird sense of humor, but hey, that's a touchy topic..

The Ap-droid one: Would search for his dad's name on Google on his phone if you given the chance on one hand and would wax lyrical about his rather icky looking white laptop on the other… tough choice..(These are replaced by others from time to time - we're just going with the flavor of the season)

2)System attempts - Weekend, Dollar Tracker: Now, we've tried out various various systems and initiatives. I'm going to talk about a couple of things that did work..

Weekend System: This system meant allotting one weekend (i.e. Saturday evening) per person in a semester. And this person basically decided what needed to be done. As this was entirely person dependent, we had weekends spent playing Dumb Charades, board games, pictionary as well as weekends outside.. Was a fun initiative.. And saved us from spending hours on Saturday's deciding what to do. This way, one person was god.

We've tried numerous numerous other systems to make our lives easier and to keep spamming each other on emails. Tried our hand with Dropbox and One Note (which was useful for planning trips), Google calender etc but one of the recent successes was an initiative called the Dollar Tracker.

Dollar Tracker: Now, we all owe each other some cash all the time. Often, these are sums ranging from a few cents to a few dollars to a few 100 in some cases. It got increasingly tiring to keep repeating every time we met each other that we owed each other stuff. That's before the dollar tracker.. (in picture)

'All amounts and characters are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life characters is regretted' :D

Keeping track has greatly reduced this headache. And given the increase in the number of jokes on this thing, I'll definitely remember this one..

3)Music: I think music has been a big part of the glue that's held together this bunch. And thanks to advice from the MIT Blog on 50 things for every undergraduate on burning a CD with all the songs for every period, here is a list. Some of these are just personal favorites during the period and others are group favorites..

Semester 1-> One Last Breath, Blue, Echo

Semester 2-> New slang, Honey and the moon, Ever after you, Only gay eskimo, Engel Kaisi paheli

Semester 3-> Hey there Delilah

Semester 5-> This year's love, Sparrows over Birmingham

Semester 6-> Hurt so good, Say, Hurt, Bubbly

Summer Hols '09 -> Hallelujah

Semester 7-> Love story, Super Trouper, Take a chance on me, Winner takes it all, Cloud Number 9, Ukulele Orchestra's 'The good, the bad, the ugly, Viva La Vida, Stu Song and Nakkamukka

Semester 8-> 3 Idiots - Sari Umar Hum, I'm Yours, Wavin' Flag (Fifa 2010 song)..

There have been many many times when we've just sat all nights introducing each other to new songs.. So, here's a tribute to all those late night chats usually followed by Mcbreakfast(how can I forget!).. :D

Another big part of time with the Gang was the trips we took, and that's coming up tomorrow.. :D
4 days to go..

1 comment:

bum?? xDDD said...

hey alex :)

i guess you know who this is, your number one stalker apart from aam ofcourse xD

now i know what your up to on saturdays *looks*

anyway awesome post yet again