Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Will Remember -The Friends

I have been fortunate to have a close set of friends a.k.a 'the gang' but today's post is not about them, it's about a bunch of others.. Today's post is going to be different. No learnings - just a collection of thoughts.

Why? Because I just had the most amazing 3 hours laughing at myself with a very very special friend and I felt I should write on these moments rather than blog about what I had planned..

1)The intellectual: I love deep long discussions - philosophy, life, human psychology etc.. Just love discussing in depth. I love listening to a completely different point of view. And this is a tribute to a friend - the intellectual..

The biggest hazard of having a conversation with this friend is that we start generally around dinner time (8 or 830) and generally go on till 4AM atleast and has often gone on till 7 or 8AM even. This has included 'study' times, lots of exchange of youtube videos, but most of all just discussions - understanding why we believe what we believe in - asking that dreaded 'why' question!

Because, often we tend to have a point of view and we don’t know why. It's when we ask ourselves that why question that we understand where these points of views come from. I have often used these discussions to further deepen my understanding of concepts in many books and then, just laugh - laugh at everything and most of all, myself. Every moment has been a pleasure and we've managed to keep this happen despite being in completely different 'gangs'.. It's a friendship I treasure and one I will continue to do so for a very long time..

And the few hours spent today was right up there among the all time great. This friend has decided it's time he found out something 'weird' about me and find something that would be unexpected. He's on a mission - let's see how it goes..

Just a tribute to an awesome person!

2)Football friend, work friend: There have been two friends who deserve special mentions as well.

My football friend has been a friend who came together thanks to a common interest - Arsenal. We share a common myopic view of the world when it comes to football. In fact, I think it is fair to say we are Gunners fans first, and lovers of watching football second. It's only a pity we've really gotten around to spending time this year but boy, have those times been fun. I enjoy catching games with this friend.. And enjoy the endless chats on how we would do as managers.. Haha

The other friend is a friend I've worked with for a long time. Again, someone I've seen grow up over the years. We've shared a very nice working relationship and even after our paths separated, we found new excuses to work with each other. It's been a wonderful relationship - one that I will look back on with a lot of joy. It is also because this person was one of my first 'kids'(this term I shall explain right below) - that may have changed with time but there'll always be a special place for being the 'first' in my heart.. :)

(Typically, they would be in separate paragraphs but I just realized I have another paragraph and I am fixated about 3.. Haha)

3)My kiddos: I was taken in an environment at Nineo where, in our 1st year, we were our mentor's kids. And we kept becoming so and so's kids depending on which mentor we were working with. And soon came the time for me to have my own 'kids'. Now, as this was my first leadership test, it went really bad and I gave my first set a torturous experience. The good news is that they survived and one of them made it through most of the rest of my journey. These opportunities got lesser and lesser as the years passed and things changed at work..

That changed this year though with Sparkz and ArtVibe. All of a sudden, I have a very special bunch of friends to spend time with. Every one of them is a source of SO much joy these days that time spent with them is an absolute pleasure..

These experiences have played a big part in 'making' me. If I had to lead people, I realized that I better start practicing what I preached. And if today -

-> My room is kept clean and sanitable
-> I've begun laughing at myself
-> I've learnt to rush a lot less and be calm a lot more..

I owe it to this special bunch..


I am a people person and generally most of my associations are people related. For example, I would choose between where to go depending on the people and most of my school life has been spent alongside people as well. I'm not much the TV show or movie person (as the intellectual friend above discovered to his dismay) - I'm much happier being around a bunch of friends - learning, playing around, having conversations and doing something fun.. There' s a whole list of people who've given me an immense source of joy and this post is just remembering fun times, unpredictable times that have really defined a big part of my school life..

Here's to them!

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