Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You Say...

You say our government is inefficient..
You say our laws are too old..
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage..
YOU say that the phones don't work ,the railways are a joke..The airline is the worst in the world , mails never reach their destination
YOU say ,say ,say and say...What do YOU do about it??

Take a person to Singapore ,Give him a name-'YOURS'..Give him a face-'YOURS'
YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your international best..In Singapore ,you don't throw cigarette butts on the road or eat in the shops..YOU are as proud of their underground link system..You'd pay 5$(Approx Rs.60) to drive through Orchard Road between 5PM and 8PM..YOU come back from shopping to the parking lot and punch your parking card if you have overstayed at a Restaurant or Shopping irrespective of your status identity..In Singapore ,you don't say anything ,Do YOU??...You wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramzaan..

YOU would not dare to buy a employee at the telephone exchange in London at 10pounds a month (Approx.Rs 600) to transfer all your ISD and STD calls to someone elses billing..
YOU wouldnt dare to drive at 55mph in Washington and tell the traffic cop 'Do you know who I am?? The son of so and so' cause if you did tell him that ,all you'd be getting is a punch straight to your face and straight to the jail you go...
YOU wouldn't throw an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage on the beaches of New Zealand or Australia

Why don't YOU spit in the streets of Tokyo?? Why don't YOU buy certificates or use examination certificates in Boston??? We are still talking the same YOU!!

When YOU can accept and go with foreign systems ,Why can't YOU do that in your OWN MOTHERLAND??
YOU who can respect and confirm to a foreign system in other countries but not in your own...
YOU who will throw paper and cigarettes the minute YOU touch Indian soil..If YOU who can be an appreciative and involved citizen in a alien country ,Why cannot YOU do the same in your own India??

YOU sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything whilst our contribution is literally NEGATIVE..
We expect the government to clean up when we wouldnt stop chucking garbage in every other place but the garbage can nor are we gonna stop a second to pick up a piece of paper and throw it in the bin..
YOU would expect clean bathrooms in the railway when YOU do not know how to use the bathroom properly..

When it comes to burning social issues related to those of women such as dowry ,girl child and others ,we would make loud drawing room protestations but do the entire reverse at home..YOUR excuse?? 'Its the entire system that has to change..How will it matter if I alone forego my son's right to a dowry??'

When New York becomes insecure ,we run to England..When England experiences unemployment ,we run immediately to the Gulf..When the Gulf is war struck ,we demand to be rescued and brought back to our own India by the Indian government..Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country..Nobody thinks of feeding the system..

When it actually comes to us making a positive contribution to the system ,we lock ourselves along with our families in a closed cocoon and look into the distance of far away countries ,expecting a Mr.Clean to come along and work miracles at the sweep of an hand or we leave the country and run away..
Our conscience is mortgaged to MONEY..

Dear Indians ,This article thought highly inductive calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks ones conscience too.. I am echoing J.F.Kennedy's words to his fellow Americans to relate to MY fellow Indians..
Lets do what India needs from us..

This at the wake of the Common Wealth Games scandal is really needed I guess..
People think the system is corrupted and the Games are gonna fail..but you did look a the pics above..Those are the constructions we did for the Common Wealth Games ,the best you'd have ever seen..Better than even Beijing if you ask me!!

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