Friday, March 19, 2010

How to make your LDR thrive!!

03/19/2010 Chicago,

First of all ,I'd like to wish one of my most amazing friend a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I ADORE YOU MATE!!you're super awesome..I know u'll read this one ,so hey..Happy birthday once again!! xD

There are Questions that you will need to ask yourself before undertaking a Long Distance Relationship, as well as questions you will need to ask of your partner. If you are in a Long Distance Relationship then there are much needed Essentials for it to flourish, such as knowing how to deal with an argument as well as Faithfulness, Honesty, Trust, Fun Dates, Spicing it up, Communication and "LOVE" being the Deciding Factor.

Things You'll Need:

• Webcam
• Skype
• Phone
• Computer
• Love

1. Step 1

Questions are meant to be Answered (Unless Rhetorical)
Ask Questions!

Ask yourself if you can see this person in your life in the Near as well as Distant Future at some point, are you going to move to where He/She is, or is He/She going to move to you? Are you willing to leave your life here for him/her to go there? Are you willing to devote your time to this person to make things work out for the best or are you too busy? What's the time difference between you two? Think of all the necessary questions for your particular situation and discuss them with him/her, there is no sense in pursuing a Long Distance Relationship if you, him/her or neither of you two have that level of commitment needed for a long distance relationship to thrive.

2. Step 2

Being Prepared eases the mind of stress
Thorough Preparation!

Prepare yourself on how and when you plan on being with him/her. Showing how prepared you are will also show how serious you are on making this work out for the better.

3. Step 3

Honesty builds a solid Foundation for Trust
Be Honest!

Honesty is what builds a foundation of Trust. Without trust you cannot have a happy relationship, without trust he/she will lose that sense of security and that sense of friendship, so by all means be Honest.

4. Step 4

Good Old Faithful
Be Faithful!

Don't Cheat. If you're cheating then you're not serious about this relationship and it will only lead to you hurting your partner as well as most likely losing him/her.

5. Step 5

Results of Great Communication

The biggest part in communication is being a great listener, listen to your partner when he/she is talking and they will do the same for you. Show them you're interested by asking questions and they will know you're listening and really appreciate that you care.

6. Step 6

Laugh with each other and watch your Relationship grow
Fun Activities!

Write a Romantic Letter and/or Send Post cards every so often by slow mail, this will keep things fun and will show them they mean a lot to you knowing you took the time to write a letter for them. Watch Movies online together, make time in your schedule to talk on the phone together or have a webcam chat.

7. Step 7

Spicing up your Relationship
Spicing it up!

Don't be afraid to talk about each other's desires whether it be on the phone, through e-mail or even better on webcam, you never know where it may lead you.

8. Step 8

Try to stay as calm as possible and show compassion
Dealing with an Argument!

Again listening is very key, try to be understanding of your partner and listen to their point of view and where they're coming from. Ask questions to show you're listening, Respond with the words "I understand" or "I hear you" and refrain from using the words "ya, but". Once you've listened to what he/she has said you can let them know your opinion or thoughts on the situation.

9. Step 9

True Love is Priceless
Stay True to your Feelings!

If you Care or Love for him/her let them know how much you really do care for them daily, say it before they go to sleep or when they wake up, it can be a random e-mail or text message. Most people love knowing they're loved and cared for and that there's someone who will be there for them.

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