Monday, December 13, 2010

Is It Me...?

" Is it me or does that girl really look good?!"

I am sure if you are a guy this question would have crossed your mind, in some cases if you are a girl . The point I want to share is, I have seen girls who at one point of time doesn't make an impact on you. By impact I mean impression. There are girls who has an "oomph" factor in them, and there are girls who gains respect on the first look, and there are girls who never comes to your notice(no offense).

Being in a school which has more than 1000 students in a particular academic year, I have come across girls who belong to all the 3 categories. In college the "oomph" factor girls are like celebrities! If they talk to you or if they walk on the other side of the road in the same direction, your mind automatically start playing a heroic background music!! From what I have noticed in my life , mostly through the social networks(read face book ) available, how else do you think one could be in touch with so many people … yeah from what I have noticed is that these "oomph" factor girls totally disappear, is it cause they are dumb? Not knowing how to use a computer? Married early? I can't put my finger on it!!

Now comes into picture the girls of the respect and unnoticed category! What happened to them?! Well, they get into a good job, uses the social networks to stays in touch. And guess what they start look good!! I'm not sure how many of you will agree but I can voice for 70% of the guys I think. Now you start wondering what happened to them in college?! Seriously?! In college she would have been just another girl and now If you see her profile picture you start cursing your eyes for betraying you! This is the story of how a "unnoticed becomes a oomph(at least at an extent oomph)", She joins the social network with a profile picture of an actress or a baby or a flower, and sends request to friends who she knows, next step she uploads a picture which shows her face from side angle, the best of picture she ever had so far! Well you know guys, she starts receiving friend request from guys who she knows only by name. She then realizes that she has more that 300 friends in the account and has not changed her profile picture in months, she walks into a beauty parlor and straightens her hair! Next go to a branded shop get a nice pair of jeans and a designer t-shirt/tops. Goes to a nice coffee shop/restaurant/picnic with friends gets her photo clicked!! She also learns to do "touch ups" before leaving home! . You must have noticed I have mentioned "hair straightening" as first point, I strongly believe it is the first step towards getting "oomph" factor! It is becoming a common weapon used to get guys attention! Straighten your hair and leave a strand of hair fall on your face, guys will look at them for sure! And heights is when you have a girl as good friend from college who doesn't fall into "oomph" category and when she tells you about proposals she is getting!! You start believing that 2012 is the world's end! You look her photo twice and realize that she has become pretty, but she will always remain as the one who gained your respect on first look!

All being said, another important point is that, when guys are out of college they know what their potential/reach/capability is. May be, when a guy is out of college he reduces his standards/bars out of frustration? Realization? Or both? for the good? I guess these are questions even "Google" cannot answer!

1 comment:

Gayatri said...

No, it's not just you. This is human psychology... the girls with the moonlight-and-roses beauty but without a strong personality fade out really fast when life happens to them. But the ones with a personality ... they are the ones who get more beautiful with age. Their strength of character reflects on their faces and gives them a glow long after their 'oomph'-full but personality-less sisters have faded into the distance, unable to cope with the vicissitudes of life

Great observation, Alex. You are unusually perceptive. :)