Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Name It...

As I was talking to a very good friend of mine..I shouldn't call her a friend,She's more like a mentor or an advisor or something. But yeah,we were having this talk about todays teens and their aspirations,dreams and goals..

She was very intrigued in asking me what my ambition in life was, I told her that ever since I was very very young, Flights and Jets have been my ONLY Love affair and I told my dad that I'm going to be in a field of work with Planes when I was pretty young.
And to this day,To my surprise,I've been working towards it.. Flights make me go crazy and I refer to Flights as 'her' or 'she' because they are my first 'wife' :P

I know it is weird but deal with it.. When you love an object, you treat it like it has been a part of you for quite sometime now.
And yes, Flights and Jet Planes have been a part and parcel of my life since I was a toddler. I still remember the first flight toy I got. It was Yellow in colour and with the words 'Comfort Airlines' or something.
And since i've been flying for quite some time ,My love for it hasn't reduced but just gone high in the past few months.

And as me and her were talking,we started talking about kids aspirations and goals. I know this is embarrassing to say out,but come on..I've outgrown it. When I was like 13, I wanted to be a pimp because I considered it the COOLEST JOB IN THE PLANET! But I didnt understand the intricacies of the job until my teacher cared to explain it to me.
My parents told me "Be what you wanna be, Just give 110% in anything you do" and I appreciate that. My dad has been with me in every step of my life. And I am in my last step of schooling, To be honest, My final year is already over. It ended 4 days ago. Its just gonna be grinding,grinding and more grinding in the next few months because of the finals. I'm not gonna attend school but just write exams and come back home
That is gonna be one hell of a hectic schedule but lets hope its for Good.

We were talking about parents wanting their kids to be something and they getting disappointed when the kids dont become what their parents wanted to be.
To all those parents: Its your kids life, give them the best of education and environment to study,but its upto them to actually do it. You can bring a horse to the river,but can NEVER make it drink the water unless its thirsty.
Understand that your child needs to be hungry inside for the education and goal you set for him,because if he doesn't want to be what you want to be..Dont be disappointed!!

I chose what I wanted to be. And I am sure I will let my kids to choose what they want to be.

1 comment:

Gayatri said...

Ok, ok, ok, Alex, point taken. I will let her be whatever she wants to be and not insist that she be a doctor. But if she starves because she has followed her 'calling', then you must give her a job in your company as an aircraft designer or something (especially since you are currently her cheer leader in following her dreams!) :D

Seriously, though, you're right. IF your passion is your occupation, then you don't have to work for the rest of your life. HOWEVER, that said, some kids don't really understand the importance of education and the onus is on the parents to bring that importance home to them. Maybe as my kid gets older, she'll understand why I feel the way I do, but until then, I'll let her doodle - be it on paper, on the walls or even on her own face!

Best of luck with your exams. Padipu modhala... aprom career.. aprom mathathellam... you're one smart cookie, and you'll make your parents very proud one day. Just hope that when that day comes, you haven't forgotten me!!! :D :D :D