Friday, May 14, 2010

Meeting My Math Coach!

Met my math coach 2 days ago..

Had a flurry of questions for him..

He cleared them all in barely 5 minutes..

with a nonchalant ease, and an expression of 'Come on, I expect you to be struggling with tougher questions'..

After those 5 mins, we settled down to having a chat..

Catching up, updates about other friends he had coached, school, life etc..

I left meeting him with a warm fuzzy feeling inside..

I realize now that it was because I felt welcome..

Felt welcome in his school like one of his own 5 years after having learnt under him..

I doubt if even the school where I spent my final 2 years studying would welcome me the same way..

All these years, he's been there and welcomed me just the same way..

Don't we all love that.. the feeling of familiarity when some things don't change?

My math coach.. I owe him a lot.. and I'm proud to be associated with him..
My Math coach taught a group of friends and me the subject for the last few years. He's a wonderful person, a head teacher at a different school and a person with a wonderful reputation. He's always lived up to that reputation with utmost integrity.. Always been humbled by his humility..

It's always wonderful meeting him!

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